Friday, October 17, 2008

Recently I have been encouraged.
By a man I barely know and a man I know very well.
I have been challenged to stop hiding.
To let my talents, my personality and my thoughts be noticed.
Therefore, most of the photographs that you have seen on my blogs are mine.
I am just a little worried, I suppose.
I want to be humble, but confident.
I want to be confident, but not prideful.
So bear with me as I attempt to let myself be what I am.
The main reason for this blog is to say I have no other profound thoughts.
Life is good. Very good.
Ben & I are absolutly soaking up the newlywed life.
We have built wonderful relationships here at Sterling.
And we look forward eagerly to the rest of lives.
To our friends elsewhere, we miss you.
Thank you for your support and the challenges you offered us.
I hope we have done the same.
And to clear the air. There are no babies on the way.
Not for a long time as long as I am in control.
And Finally: My Ode to Lauren, my sister:
Oh Lauren,
How can words capture the essence of such a being.
A girl full of spunk.
A girl who hugs tree trunks.
She is like her sister.
Artsy and not a mister.
She takes the most wonderful photos.
Especially of her hott older sister.
She makes it hard to right an poetic ode.
I don't know wheter to rhyme, scream, cry, or kiss a toad.
She is beautiful, witty, intelligient and fun --
Can she really be my relative?
Of course!
Who is could carry such wonderful genes?!?
Oh Lauren,
You are a unique creature.
A special feature.
Oh Lauren,
Oh Lauren.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

haha...that was great Nicole. I loved it. =) I am going to post an ode to you soon as I find some extra time. I love you. Your sister who is not a mister. haha