Thursday, October 2, 2008

Political Ponderings

The Election is close
I have chosen my side
I feel it's the right choice
My heart aches for change
A change for the lonely and forgotten
Many people think I am denying my faith by my political choice
How can a Christian believe in such a thing?
I'm not "pro-choice" I explain
I do not believe it is a womans right to have an abortion
I do think that there is a better plan through education & freedom
Then we can find in more rules & restrictions
I am pro-life completely
I want little babies to stay alive
I want war to be an option rarely considered
I want the homeless and the hungry to have resources
I want broken families to be repaired
I want the trees to keep standing
I want the little kittens and gigantic whales to experience their lives to the fullest
I do not just take a political party and fight for it if I don't believe it wholeheartedly
I'm not registered as a Republican or Democrat
I just want to help America in whatever way I can
I want to help America help other countries too
I have a lot of friends who differ from my views
They perhaps tend to be a bit more "conservative"
But they've taught me a lot
And we've given each other different challenges
I like that
I like that we can talk and not argue
I like that we don't have to bash each other
I like that we don't have to be hypocrites
Saying we want change
We must be willing to be the seed of it
Something new and exciting is happening
I sense it, I think
If I became President
I would probably just throw huge Mundies parties in the White House
I already know who my running mate would be
And I know who I'd want in my Cabinet
So, I guess my point is I know where I stand now
It may change
It may not
But I hope that no matter what happens
We stay united in an active plan for many changes
And we participate in these plans
As Derek Webb says
"We'll never have a Savior up on Capital Hill"

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Eff, the White House would NEVER be the same! :) Mundies party ALL OVER--and burnings of all kinds in each room!