Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I wish heaven was open for vacations
I'm not even sure where heaven is
I'm not even sure what heaven is
I'm not even sure if is a place
But I just know heaven is good
I could use that kind of good
Don't be mistaken
I am happy
I love life with my husband
I have more than enjoyed the opportunities here in Sterling
But some times have come that have left me begging in the dirt
And with each situation
I am helpless
I take on the responsibility of all my families well-being
I am limited with what I can there
I can only give my body a certain amount of health
Sometimes abnormalities happen
I can only help the loss and lonely to a certain extinct
I cannot be the one that changes their mind
I long for more of God
And a taste of His heaven
Even the slighest scent of His heaven
Could put together the broken pieces of my family
Restore my body to full health
Bring the wandering into His arms
If only heaven was open for vacation

Saturday, September 27, 2008

little flowers

I am a flower
A flower of never before seen design
Colors not found in the rainbow
I drink up my thirst -- water of the purest kind
Pouring over me
I bathe in the brightest rays of the brightest sun
I reflect the shine that taints my petals
I stand tall
I brave the coldest winter winds
I do not wither
I do not conform to the dying colors of the dark season
You will find me being what I am
A flower revealing it's magnitude

Monday, September 22, 2008

cute old ladies

So at the coffeeshop the other day I was working when this elderly women came into to get some coffee
I made her a drink and took it to her table
After I left, she spilled her drink
Luckily she wasn't burned, but my heart was hurting for this little old lady whom I now had to make a new drink for.
I gave her some towels to dry the coffee off her pants.
She seemed lonely to me and so I decided to talk with her.
I found out that she has been living with her son but is now going to a retirement home in South Dakota.
She tried to speak of all the fun she will have there, but I think she was just trying to convince herself.
She was lonely.
So we talked more about her life and her family.
We even discovered that we both grew up on goat farms and love to read.
She recommended a magazine to me.
I wished her the best and we parted.
My relationship with her only lasted about thirty minutes, but I am thankful for little experiences like these.
I often think people miss great opportunities to love on people.
People are very focused on "bigger issues" on a global spectrum, like poverty, the envirnoment, slave trades, etc. that they ignore the oppressed, forgotten and poor living right next to them.
Don't get me wrong, I think issues that are on the global spectrum need to be addressed majorly and I plan to help with that, but too many people focus on those things that they miss and even hurt those they cross while they are on their way to what they consider "seeking justice".
I just wish everyone was aware of the opportunities in Sterling, KS just as they are aware of the opportunities in Chicago, IL.

On another note- I am upset with the way Democrats have represented themselves and Obama. I'm a registered Indepedent, but I have done tons of research and keep coming to the conclusion that I want to vote for Obama. But when people misrepresent him, it angers me.
For example:
A group of war protestors went to the Republican National Convention and were picketing outside of the convention. When they started to get a little rowdy, some security tried to prevent them from becoming any more destructive to the Convention. So what do the war protestors do?? They get violent. War protestors. It seems hypocritical to me and quite seriously makes me think that too many people are only jumping on the bandwagon of peace and love without seriously changing who they are.

Well, that's it for now. I have class in about an hour so I'm going to go shower. :)