Thursday, November 29, 2007

Visions Of An Unknown Splendour

God's purpose in our creation baffles me.
Why did He create us to need sleep and rest?
Why visions in the midst of the night?
Why dreams and nightmares?
There is something grand in sleep that goes unrecognized.
A plan of God that is often unseen.
Perhaps sleep takes us to a new realm of intercourse.
A time when our skepticism, clutterness and doubt cannot interfere.
Do you believe in visions?
Sometimes I doubt the visions of historical characters like Margery Kempe, Julian of Norwich, Meister, Bernard of Clairvoux.
But I have come to the realization that I have had visions of my own.
Just as awkward and motivational as the ones of past.
My first was when I was just a child of 8.
I remember it clearly.
It was a vision in the form of a dream.
Me holding the hands of two young people.
Behind them was a train of more young people.
All of us latched to one another in unity of hands.
Around us screaming holes of depth with fire and smoke.
Possibly Hell, or hell on Earth.
I took them down a street, towards the clear brightness of sunlight.
My first vision.
It finally makes sense to me as I look upon the days of my life.
I see where God has placed my passion.
The vision is clear and real.
And it happened while I was in the midst of inability to react.
Restfully covered in cotton and wool.
How God reveals Himself is never dull.
It makes me hunger for more of Him.
More Visions of His Unknown Splendour.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

This is the revolution

Welcome to the fallout:
Where the truth and the shadows have become blurred.
This is the incompletion...and we are holding our breath.
But look!
The winds of redemption have come within the confines of our frozen fists.
"Behold, I make all things new."
And in this newness is hope for the hopless, where the eternal lines of heavens collide with our own humanity.
In the divine comedy where up is down and down is up we lose ourselves to find ourselves.
Love is the movement.
This is the revolution.