Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Can Do It

After a recent conversation I became aware of how many people are unaware of
true feminism.
It has been wildly misrepresented by 'anti-feminist' and 'feminist'.
I think everyone should be a feminist, a true feminist.
And because of this, I blog.
Merriam-Webster tells me that Feminism is:
1. The theory of political, economic & social equality of the sexes.
2. Organized activity on behalf of womens rights.
Let me describe to you what I think true Feminism is, and I think it falls nicely into the dictionaries interpretation.
Feminism doesn't mean women are 'naturally' or otherwise smarter or better than men.
It simple means we want the equal right to show our unique intellect as individuals, not as a sex.
Feminism doesn't mean that women should use their 'femininity' to get ahead, be it in the work realm, political realm or social realm. In fact, this is quite the opposite of feminism.
Feminism doesn't condone dressing in immodest manner to build your own personal power over the opposite sex (or same sex) and it doesn't mean that you can use what physical attributes you have to gain status/popularity over another woman. This is quite the opposite of feminism.
Feminism doesn't mean you are 'independent' of men. Being in a relationship doesn't take away independence, rather it encourages it's growth -- learning independence in the midst of dependence. And depending on man for love and support doesn't mean you are not a feminist.
Feminism doesn't mean trying to prove yourself as a woman -- you are a woman no matter what anyone says, you have a vagina therefore vagina=woman. A feminist doesn't need to prove their 'feminism' or who they are. They are confident as is.
Feminism is confidence. It is the ability to see equality in men and women. It is in the drive for this equality, not just equality for women, but equality for men as well. Feminism is not about using the unique 'attributes' we have as women to have power over man. It is about honoring that uniqueness and knowing that it is your mind, thoughts and soul that will permanetly captivate people.
Feminsim is recognizing the beauty of woman and clutching onto it so tightly as to not let it get away and shake up the world too quickly. We have powerful abilities as women, we must be careful of how much of it to release onto the whole world. Already woman have released their physical attributes to the world and the world has been devastated by it.
Feminism is not about a movement or bra-burning (although fun and highly recommended) -- it's about a philosophy and lifestyle.
Feminism is best approached not in violent or rash protests or heated debates, but in revolutionary subordination.
Kill them with our love.
Kill them with our patience.
Kill them with our peace.
Kill them with our womanhood -- and all of it, not the physical side that has been advertised, but the inner workings of the woman's spirit.
(don't literally kill them, by the way, but do put to death their negative thoughts about women.)
Feminism should be something so deeply sewn inside of your being that you encounter it on a daily basis -- as you look in the mirror, as you interact with others, as you encounter thoughts about yourself or others, as you watch t.v., as you read, as you play.
I encourage you to add more thoughts to what I have written and to the current thoughts stirring in my mind.
What else do you think Feminism contains?