Friday, October 17, 2008

Recently I have been encouraged.
By a man I barely know and a man I know very well.
I have been challenged to stop hiding.
To let my talents, my personality and my thoughts be noticed.
Therefore, most of the photographs that you have seen on my blogs are mine.
I am just a little worried, I suppose.
I want to be humble, but confident.
I want to be confident, but not prideful.
So bear with me as I attempt to let myself be what I am.
The main reason for this blog is to say I have no other profound thoughts.
Life is good. Very good.
Ben & I are absolutly soaking up the newlywed life.
We have built wonderful relationships here at Sterling.
And we look forward eagerly to the rest of lives.
To our friends elsewhere, we miss you.
Thank you for your support and the challenges you offered us.
I hope we have done the same.
And to clear the air. There are no babies on the way.
Not for a long time as long as I am in control.
And Finally: My Ode to Lauren, my sister:
Oh Lauren,
How can words capture the essence of such a being.
A girl full of spunk.
A girl who hugs tree trunks.
She is like her sister.
Artsy and not a mister.
She takes the most wonderful photos.
Especially of her hott older sister.
She makes it hard to right an poetic ode.
I don't know wheter to rhyme, scream, cry, or kiss a toad.
She is beautiful, witty, intelligient and fun --
Can she really be my relative?
Of course!
Who is could carry such wonderful genes?!?
Oh Lauren,
You are a unique creature.
A special feature.
Oh Lauren,
Oh Lauren.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No longer a creature of captivity

Many times in my life I've tamed wild horses
I've repeated the process countless times
I have the strength & courage to break the free-spirit of a stallion
But I don't know how to tame my own
My spirit burns for experience
It longs for numerously different adventures
It is not easily broken by reigns of comfort
Nor is it domesticated by fences
It has the ability to leap higher than these fences
It's passion to run is not altered by the whips of reality
How can a wild animal be tamed?
How can a firey spirit be calmed?
How can passion & peace co-exist in the heart of a woman?
Should such a spirit be brought to a place of restraint?
Or should it be allowed to roam & run in fields of freedom & liberation?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Political Ponderings

The Election is close
I have chosen my side
I feel it's the right choice
My heart aches for change
A change for the lonely and forgotten
Many people think I am denying my faith by my political choice
How can a Christian believe in such a thing?
I'm not "pro-choice" I explain
I do not believe it is a womans right to have an abortion
I do think that there is a better plan through education & freedom
Then we can find in more rules & restrictions
I am pro-life completely
I want little babies to stay alive
I want war to be an option rarely considered
I want the homeless and the hungry to have resources
I want broken families to be repaired
I want the trees to keep standing
I want the little kittens and gigantic whales to experience their lives to the fullest
I do not just take a political party and fight for it if I don't believe it wholeheartedly
I'm not registered as a Republican or Democrat
I just want to help America in whatever way I can
I want to help America help other countries too
I have a lot of friends who differ from my views
They perhaps tend to be a bit more "conservative"
But they've taught me a lot
And we've given each other different challenges
I like that
I like that we can talk and not argue
I like that we don't have to bash each other
I like that we don't have to be hypocrites
Saying we want change
We must be willing to be the seed of it
Something new and exciting is happening
I sense it, I think
If I became President
I would probably just throw huge Mundies parties in the White House
I already know who my running mate would be
And I know who I'd want in my Cabinet
So, I guess my point is I know where I stand now
It may change
It may not
But I hope that no matter what happens
We stay united in an active plan for many changes
And we participate in these plans
As Derek Webb says
"We'll never have a Savior up on Capital Hill"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So You Want An Adventure?

As a little girl I dreamed of adventure
Either I was a princess in need of a knight to carry me away
Or I was a gypsy
Wandering distant lands
Or I was an Indian girl protecting my tribe
But Never would I expected the adventure I am currently on
I've thought of adventure as traveling the world
Learning different languages
Climbing the highest mountain
Exploring the darkest caves
Experiencing a whole new culture
All these things I would still love and hope to do
But they can't compare to the adventure of marriage
To experience complete transparency is more grand
than seeing the clear beaches of Cozumel
To witness the growth of love is more breathtaking
than standing at the top of Eiffel Tower
To awake each morning remembering your vows is more exciting
than a bull run in the streets of Spain
Although I have only been married 5 months
It has been the most adventorous time in my life